Baptism is something God has called us to do after inviting Jesus into our lives. It is an outward symbol of the internal transformation in us. We are showing his death and burial as we go under the water, and symbolize his resurrection as we come back up and continue to champion Him in our lives.
Steps to be baptized
Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior
Register for Baptism (All Service Times)
Invite your friends and family
Join us for Baptism Weekend!
(Arrive 1 hr. before service time)
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The Example of Jesus
When Jesus came to the earth and began His ministry, He was baptized; and we follow in His example when we get baptized as we go and be the good news of Jesus to every person in every place. The Bible shows us we only need to be baptized once as our relationship with God through Jesus cannot be taken away or restored by actions we take, but instead is permanent because of God’s grace and mercy.
Romans 6:4 says, “We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.”
The Gospel
The Bible says that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. It goes on to say that the wages of sin is death, and that death causes an eternal separation between us and God.
But God so loved the world that He gave His only son, Jesus, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. The reason that our faith is in Jesus Christ alone is because Jesus lived a perfect life that we couldn't, He died on the cross to take the punishment for our sins that we deserved. He was buried in a tomb and separated from God that we could never bear. Then He rose from the dead conquering all sin and all death so His words would ring true for all eternity that He is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one can come to the Father except through Him.
What is BaptismBaptism is the outward symbol of an internal transformation in you. The way to heaven is through faith in Jesus Christ. Watch how Baptism tells that story. When we baptize you by taking you under the water it is a picture of the death and burial of Jesus Christ. Then when we bring you back up out of the water it is a picture of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Paul would say it this way, that we are buried in His likeness, raised to walk in the newness of life. Our lives should look different after knowing Jesus than it did before we knew Jesus.
Why is baptism significantIn the Bible Jesus tells us to be baptized to proclaim to all that we have entered a new life with Jesus. (Matthew 28:19-20, Romans 6:4)
Is Baptism important for my salvationWe believe that salvation is through faith alone, and that baptism is purely a symbol and action that we do in obedience to proclaim the faith we have in Jesus.
If I have been baptized before, can I be baptized again?Just as salvation only happens once, so does baptism. We are saved and then baptized. If you were baptized before accepting Jesus into your life, baptized as an infant, or baptized for a different religion, then yes we encourage being baptized again. The reason is because the Bible shows us that we are to be baptized after accepting Jesus to proclaim this transformation inside of us to the world. Once you have accepted Jesus and been baptized there is no need to be baptized again. Looking to Jesus as the example, we only need to be baptized once!